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Issues with photo app on Windows 10

Starter: gwapito424 Posted: 1 year ago Views: 663
Lvl 14
Wondering if someone has an idea of what I can do. Today the photo app changed in windows 10. The option to edit photos in paint has disappeared, which means having to go into the folder and right click instead of just selecting from the photo. Also, I have expanded photos to fill the screen when in full screen mode and it seems that every photo that I have expanded has shrunk back down to small size as it was before I modified. I tried resetting the app and opening again with no luck. Any thoughts? My hope is to select a photo and scroll through one at a time and have the pics fill the screen.
Lvl 55
google irfranview and go get the free image viewer. you can do all kinds of stuff with it and it's free
gwapito424 finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
I downloaded and tried some photo viewers and think that I'll use pictureflect. It works so much better, although no option for simple editing.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
I use Xnview, a really nice freeware
Lvl 55
ok ok I use paint shop pro 7 which corel bought from jasc to put them out of bussiness

gonna try to put links here and you will know how to fix when you see this symbol ! just remove it!product/!paint-shop-pro/7x link to site

https://!!download/!befb7eab-70d3-11eb-b764-0200008a0da4 for the download

easy to use and will do all your editing needs
good luck and may the force be with you