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Final draft of the new upload rules

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 5 months ago Views: 1.7K
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Lvl 76
Originally posted by darkstar001
Recently I have had pictures rejected for being "underage". If I'm in any doubt I don't upload. The girl in the pics that I have had rejected is actually 23 years of age and if anyone bothered to contact me I could have pointed them to her profile.

The mods can't message you (or any member) each time an image is rejected for being underage (in their opinion) as this back-and-forth process would take too long. As I've said a few times previously, if you do have any queries regarding rejected images, you can ask me (or another mod) and I/we will review. We're not trying to piss anyone off by rejecting their uploads.

Originally posted by darkstar001
And finally; who are the moderators? Why don't they have the courage to identify themselves and put their name on the pics that they reject?

I don't think it's a lack of courage. Last week, 3272 images were rejected in total. If a member was to receive a report each time an upload of theirs was rejected, I think it would cause too much aggravation if the name of the moderator was included. The moderator would soon get fed up of receiving private messages of abuse about rejecting underage, professional, bad quality images etc. and we'd end up with a group of 3 moderators.
nok_nok, lifsvr75, dariusslay, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.
Lvl 76
Originally posted by strictguy
You can't have that many pics rejected as underage everyday so that would hardly increase moderation of the other pics. At least it would keep pics from one member being rejected, but accepted from another member. That seems to be one of the biggest issues here.

Looking at the stats, it's roughly 15-20 images each day that are rejected for being underage. I wouldn't be against the suggestion of putting these into a seperate queue which is then being reviewed by other moderators (3 or 5) for a consensus decision. I would still expect the same complaints to be made once an image is fully rejected though, but it's worth trying.

I've no idea how easy/difficult the above would be to implement but certainly something for Diz to think about.
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 76
Originally posted by strictguy
Last but not least, are we supposed to go through the whole list of members to find out which ones are mods? That little shield does absolutely no good unless we go looking for it, or you make a comment on one of these forums. A list would be nice in case we want a response from someone besides the very few that now reply on these forums.

There definitely used to be a "meet the moderators" thread on which the first post was a list of the moderators (and what they were responsible for) that was updated each time there was a change. I'll see if I can find it, or if not, we can start a new thread or Diz could create a page perhaps 🤷‍♂️
* This post has been modified : 4 months ago
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by strictguy
The only photos it would add moderation time to are the ones deemed to be underage or pro. You can't have that many pics rejected as underage everyday so that would hardly increase moderation of the other pics. At least it would keep pics from one member being rejected, but accepted from another member. That seems to be one of the biggest issues here.
As for the pro/models it would help if Diz simply made it mandatory that the mods had definite proof someone was a pro before rejecting them. It seems like some pics get rejected simply because they 'look' like a pro.

To give you an idea. For each 3 pics I've accepted, I've rejected 1 for being pro. So that's still a good portion of pics moderated that are pros.
Obvious underaged pics are indeed pretty rare but there are also quit a bit of questionably aged pics and I do agree getting a consensus on those would be useful to get a more coherent moderation overall (but again, it would require a system to built for it).

Originally posted by strictguy
If I can't confirm the pic is pro, I'll accept it (provided it respect the other rules as well of course).
These are your words. Perhaps if it was mandatory for all the mods, there wouldn't be so many complaints about pics being rejected.

You'd be surprised at the amount of people I've seen complain their pics were rejected for no reason, only to give them proof and never see them comment again...
I'm not denying some mistakes are made on the mod part though, and I do agree pics shouldn't be rejected as pro without being sure.

Originally posted by strictguy
Just exactly what happens when it's reported? This question has never been answered .

I think there is a system for blacklisted pics so that if they're uploaded again they are automatically rejected but I'm not sure when it's triggered as this is something that was added when I wasn't on the site anymore. You'd have to ask Diz.

Originally posted by strictguy
Last but not least, are we supposed to go through the whole list of members to find out which ones are mods? That little shield does absolutely no good unless we go looking for it, or you make a comment on one of these forums. A list would be nice in case we want a response from someone besides the very few that now reply on these forums.

There use to be a sticky thread in the feedback section called "Meet the team" or something like this, that listed all mods and what they do, but it doesn't seem to be here anymore. Not sure why?
* This post has been modified : 4 months ago
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
New upload rules page:
Jullexxx, tututut1, sogood, acidfunk find this awesome.
Lvl 26
Nice job finishing this Diz-X. Now to get moderators applying it fairly (and swiftly) for all!
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Diz-X
New upload rules

4317880 This image is not 720x720, and just one example. If only one dimension needs to be 720, then state that in your rules or start rejecting anything smaller. You write the rules so get your mods to abide by them!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by strictguy
4317880 This image is not 720x720, and just one example. If only one dimension needs to be 720, then state that in your rules or start rejecting anything smaller. You write the rules so get your mods to abide by them!

the dimension rules are aplied at upload and auto rejected when smaller.
Lvl 26
if a photo has an emoji in it (eg bikini girl posting a sun off to the side), is that allowed, or is that considered "photoshop"?

If a photo has text (eg "yay I'm 23" is that allowed or is that considered photoshop?
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Lvl 70
Originally posted by vbollie
if a photo has an emoji in it (eg bikini girl posting a sun off to the side), is that allowed, or is that considered "photoshop"?

If a photo has text (eg "yay I'm 23" is that allowed or is that considered photoshop?

Should be no on both, filters and text aren't allowed unless it's an automatic timestamp (like in some older pictures)
sogood finds this awesome.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Diz-X
the dimension rules are aplied at upload and auto rejected when smaller.

Your rule says "720 x 720" which is a square photo. If it only needs to be one of the dimensions, then you should state that.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by strictguy
Your rule says "720 x 720" which is a square photo. If it only needs to be one of the dimensions, then you should state that.

No really as both width and height must be at least 720 pixels. so 1280 × 720 or 720 × 1280 will both be accepted. but not 720 x 500 or 500 x 720.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Diz-X
No really as both width and height must be at least 720 pixels. so 1280 × 720 or 720 × 1280 will both be accepted. but not 720 x 500 or 500 x 720.

Looks like the filter isn't working properly then as this pic mentioned by strictguy is only 732x208 and thus should have been automatically rejected :
Lvl 25
Originally posted by omuh
Looks like the filter isn't working properly then as this pic mentioned by strictguy is only 732x208 and thus should have been automatically rejected :

Thanks! Will look into it and patch it.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Diz-X
No really as both width and height must be at least 720 pixels. so 1280 × 720 or 720 × 1280 will both be accepted. but not 720 x 500 or 500 x 720.

That photo is not 720 in width, so why was it accepted? And there are plenty more that are not 720 pixels wide. Here is another 3223815 is only 716 wide. If you and your mods aren't going to follow your one rules, why bother having any?
Lvl 5
Originally posted by strictguy
That photo is not 720 in width, so why was it accepted? And there are plenty more that are not 720 pixels wide. Here is another 3223815 is only 716 wide. If you and your mods aren't going to follow your one rules, why bother having any?

hello sir, I don't like you.
3223815 is 716 x 850 = 608600
720 x 720 = 518400 pixels
so let Diz do his magick and MAGA
oh and if pictures of lower resolution are to be deleted, the website has existed from 2003 so the archived pictures from the times that we didn't have smartphones with 10MPixels, well what will happen to those old pictures?
Lvl 70
Originally posted by baeblander
hello sir, I don't like you.
3223815 is 716 x 850 = 608600
720 x 720 = 518400 pixels
so let Diz do his magick and MAGA
oh and if pictures of lower resolution are to be deleted, the website has existed from 2003 so the archived pictures from the times that we didn't have smartphones with 10MPixels, well what will happen to those old pictures?

Old pictures aren't affected by the size restriction as that filter only applies automatically when you upload stuff.
A bit like "low quality" standards have changed over the years as we don't expect the same kind of quality nowadays compared to 10 years ago.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Diz-X, acidfunk find this awesome.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by strictguy
That photo is not 720 in width, so why was it accepted? And there are plenty more that are not 720 pixels wide. Here is another 3223815 is only 716 wide. If you and your mods aren't going to follow your one rules, why bother having any?

Diz literally said that 1. mods don't deal with size, the system automatically does and 2. aknowledged there might be a bug and he would look into it and patch it.
That agressive stance isn't helping you.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by omuh
Diz literally said that 1. mods don't deal with size, the system automatically does and 2. aknowledged there might be a bug and he would look into it and patch it.
That agressive stance isn't helping you.

Diz makes the rules, but doesn't seem to care if the system works, or if you mods follow them. I've seen more grainy and out of focus pics in the last 5 years than were ever uploaded before. Also it seems like over half the pics being uploaded look like quasi-pro plastic Barbies. Hell most of what the sentinel uploads look like store window manikins. They sure aren't true amateurs. Just one question, are you and sentinel the only ones allowed to reply to anything on the forums because no other mod ever gets a chance!
Lvl 37
[reply=baeblander]hello sir, I don't like you.

Well I could give a shit what you like!!!!
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